On 18.04.2023 IQ LOGISTICS Ltd. concluded a contract for the provision of grant-in-aid No. BG-RRP-3.004-1068-C01 under procedure BG-RRP-3.004 “Technological modernization” of the Operational Program “National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability”.
Name of the project proposal: “Technological modernization in the enterprise” with a total value of BGN 449,000.00.
The main goal:
The main objective of the project proposal corresponds absolutely exactly with the objective of the procedure, namely: increasing the efficiency of production processes, achieving higher productivity, reducing production costs and optimizing the production chain by providing grants to the candidate enterprise, which will contribute to expand the production capacity of the existing business site of AI Q LOGISTIK” OOD through investment in new material assets and technologies.
Start of the project: 18.04.2023.
End of the project: 18.04.2024.